Special Events 2011
The club has held several special events outside of matches with the objective of providing training and instruction to all members who are interested, with the ultimate goal of collectively improving our chess. Sessions took place at Fircroft on 26th October, 30th November and 21st December 2011. Topics covered included: Game demonstrations, mating with B+N vs K, the process of learning, how to effectively use ChessBase and playing the R+B vs R ending. During the 2nd February 2011 club night there was an event for all members that included a queen ending demonstration, discussion on the application of the laws of chess and some problem solving. More information, including all the game and puzzle information, can be found here. We intend to continue to hold sessions of this nature when the match schedules allow. Members ideas (and volunteers) for future topics are always very welcome, please send them to the webmaster.
Aside from the material published on this site all club members were also provided with .pgn files of the R+B v R endings and demonstrated games, a paper on the B+N vs K ending and a document summary of ChessBase key tips. We have not published that material on this website as its one of the benefits of being a member of Surbiton Chess Club. Fancy joining us?