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Wed 2nd 2011 February Club Night

Wed 2nd February 2011 was that rare thing, a Wednesday without any Surbiton chess match fixtures in any division! A few of us got together to organize something a little bit different to provide some entertainment to all club members.

The agenda was as follows:-

1. Do you know how to analyze and play queen endings?

Edgar Flacker presented a recent, very tricky, queen ending he played and won against Maidenhead. There were technique points but also many practical points to understand. Paul Shepherd also described some of the issues and limitations of using computers to analyze such queen endings. Here is the ending with a little commentary:-

Game viewer by ChessTempo

2. Do you know what to do if a dispute arises at the board or if you think your opponent has done something wrong?

Paul Shepherd described and discussed the circumstances surrounding a couple of disputes that Surbiton has been a party to over the last year or so, with an emphasis on the lessons learned. There was a lively discussion between club members on this topic.

3. Can you find the winning moves?

Edgar Flacker, Stef Bruzzi, Paul Shepherd and Nick Pelling presented some studies and game positions for the audience to solve. Here they are:-

Problem 1 (White to play and win)

Problem 2 (Black to play and win)

Problem 3 (White to play and win)

Problem 4 (Black to play and win)

Problem 5 (White to play and win)

Problem 6 (White to play and win)

Problem 7 (White to play and win)

Problem 8 (White to play and win)

Problem 9 (White to play and draw)

Problem 10 (White to play and draw)

Problem 11 (White to play and win)

Why don’t you have a go at writing down your solutions first and then checking them here?