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New Look Surbiton Website Launched

Many thanks are due to Mark Hargest who has transformed the look of our website from the childishily simple "turn Word docs into html files" format of the luddite webmaster into a very professional looking site. I hope this will further increase our club's profile and attract even more new members.

It is a serious amount of work to convert the material from an old website into a different format and Mark has done a great job in a very short space of time. It was only at our AGM in September 2013 that Mark offered to help on this and most of the time since then to January 2014 has been consumed by delays caused by the webmaster while Mark patiently waited for him to produce the old material, comment on various draft versions and answer questions.

The very least I can do is, therefore, to give Mark a plug! Mark, apart from being an HTML code writer, is also an artist and I strongly recommend you check out his work that appears on his website.